Saturday, August 20, 2011


Hey all. Since I've decided I'm not going to do a lot of facebooking this week, I thought a good alternative would be blogging.

So I am now in Orlando at our, get this, resort. Oh. It's so nice, here. There are 4 swimming pools, a volleyball net, basketball, mini golf and plenty of other things.

My day started around 4 a.m. when my mom picked me up to go Flint Bishop Airport. We got there and had no problems. I had breakfast with the madre that was a little on the expensive side but it worked. I then said "adios" and went through security.

I played on the interwebs for a little while and then boarded my too-small airplane around 6 a.m.  It was only a two hour flight and I slept pretty much the whole way (yes I did have my contacts in. I know. Bad idea).

I got to Atlanta where I had a lay-over around 8 a.m. There, I freshened up a bit and was able to find my flight quite quickly. They were already boarding by the time I got to the gate, but I still got there on time.

My plane got into Orlando around 10ish. I then had to go get my luggage at baggage claim. Get this: I didn't have to pay for it to be checked but they still checked it for me. It works. *Shrugs*

I then took the shuttle to Blue Tree Resort. There was a struggle checking in because although our room was ready, the room was not booked under my name so they had to verify my identity somehow.

I called Erin and it went to voicemail so I walked around a little bit (in the rain mind you) and then by the time that I got back, the front desk staff was on the phone with Erin.

Then, I got all my information and room keys. The person working the desk called security so I wouldn't have to walk all the way to the room with my luggage. The security guy came and whisked me off on his horse-drawn carriage (a golf cart) and I made it to my room in no time at all.

I was at the room around 12:30ish. I ordered Domino's for lunch. I had like five slices of their veggie pizza. They even had roasted red peppers on it. It was very yummy in my tummy. ;)

So then, I took a five-hour nap on the couch. The blanket was really comfy, let me tell you. I fell asleep to Scrubs. I wish that show was still on the air. Oh well.

By the time I got up it was around 6 p.m. I microwaved a couple slices of pizza. Then, I took a shower and looked to see if there was anything good on the television (there wasn't).

I then went and got breakfast stuff from the little market that's about a 10-minute walk from our room.

On the menu for tomorrow morning: eggs, toast and coffee. That's basically all I need to start my morning off right.

So then I went swimming. It was past dark by then. I loooovveee swimming in the dark.

Then, I took another shower and found "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" to watch. Erin and Erik showed up a little while later so I helped them bring their stuff into the room.

I'm so excited to get a whole 8 days off. I don't remember the last time I've had a week-long vacation.

Now, I'm just waiting for Brianna to get here.

Tomorrow will be the start of a wonderful week of R and R.

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