Sunday, August 21, 2011

Second part of the first day

So yeah. We went shopping. I  only spent a reasonable amount of money on unreasonably priced tourist traps.

I got a t-shirt for me and a t-shirt my dad. It came to 30 dollars. Isn't that ridiculous?


After walking for like two hours and going shopping and buying groceries, I ended up on the couch watching Napolean Dynamite. Guess who fell asleep?

That's right. Yours truly.

So we decided to go to Sea World another day. Which is fine. The tickets are good until early September.

I'm sure we'll use them.

So then, Erin and Erik came back and we all went to Joe's Crab Shack. It was fun. The crab was amazing and expensive, but it was worth it. Sometimes, you just have to go all out.

So now we're going to watch "Limitless" which we got from Redbox.

Can't wait.

I love, love, LOVE Bradley Cooper. I'd marry him and have his babies, but I don't know if it would work out. I think he might be too pretty for it to work out. He seems like the kind of guy who cares too much about his appearance.

I've met those kind of guys and I'd much rather they put more stock in other parts of themselves.


Enough about men.

I've had quite a relaxing day.

Tomorrow: Busch Gardens and Tampa.


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