Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Disaster in the Kitchen

Okay, so it wasn't really that much of a disaster. But it's the closest I've ever had to one in a really long time. So yesterday I made black bean burgers with steak fries. The burgers weren't hard. I did forget to buy bread crumbs so there I am toasting up some bread in the oven for bread crumbs. It was good, though because that bread was getting kind of stale anyways. It needed to have a job to do. Now the thing about making your own bread crumbs is it kind of helps to have a food processor. I tried putting them in the blender and it didn't work. So what I ended up doing is crunching them up by hand and just not using the big chunks on the inside that didn't get enough toasting to crumble properly.

After that I did the steak fries. I sprinkled on some oil, and also steak seasoning, parsley and oregano. Then I put them in the oven for 25 minutes. The recipe said to put them on "high heat." I really didn't know what that means so I set the oven for 450 and crossed my fingers that was high enough.

After putting the fries in the oven, I got to work on the burgers. I was halving the recipe, as per usual, since I'm only one person and I don't like having leftovers for days. I like to cook every single day not every other day. So, one thing it called for was a roughly chopped onion. I did that. Then I realized this and everything else was supposed to go in the food processor. I then finely diced the onion. I luckily found some chopped garlic in the fridge which I used. After that, I put in the egg, spices and bread crumbs and mashed everything up. Upon combining these ingredients, I looked at the recipe and realized I had forgotten to half the onions. I considered taking them up, but they were well mixed at this time so there was really no. Oniony burgers it is!

After this I remembered to flip the fries. I don't know why this is but my french fries always get really done when I bake them. If anyone can help me with this, I would be very pleased. I'm not sure if I'm putting them at the wrong temp or if I just use too much oil or what. But anyways. I flipped them so they would get properly burnt on both sides and then went back to cooking the burgers.

I sprayed the pan with some cooking spray and put them on the grill pan. Everything seemed fine until the fire alarm started going off. It didn't seem like anything was really burning that much besides my potatoes, but there wasn't any smoke really. At first, I was able to turn the fire alarms off. Then, they went off again. It was quite ridiculous. I then turned off the stove. I pressed "hush" on every single fire alarm to no avail until I got to the one in my room. I'm not sure if that was the one that did it since Dustin also pressed "hush" on a different one, but I was just happy the very loud noise had stopped.

The burgers were done anyways and the fries had been done so they got a little extra burn on them, but it worked out. I must say though that I didn't really like my black bean burgers. They were kind of bland. I think I'll try a different recipe next time and maybe even buy my own bread crumbs. Who knows.

All right. More cooking adventures to come.

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